Delight your audience with more than just video.

Speciality features to help you stand out from the crowd and grow your business.
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Mobile app features for fitness and wellness customer with uscreen integration
Mobile app features for fitness and wellness customer with uscreen integration

Keep them on track to achieve their goals.

Search and filter your entire library in seconds.

OTT mobile app builder features for specific funcionality for yoga
Custom playlists and offline viewing for mobile yoga app

Create their own personalized playlists.

Yoga, fitness and wellness app features they'll love you for.

Monthly Calendar
Make your monthly calendars interactive with an in-app calendar and journal feature.
Secure Downloads
Secure downloads for offline viewing so your users can watch whenever they like.
push notifications icon
Apple TV & Roku apps
Give them ability to watch on any device with native Apple TV and Roku apps.
Daily Journal
Help them record and reflect through private daily journal entries.
In-app Purchases
Sell your memberships and subscriptions in the App Stores with in-app purchases
Modular Templates
Combine our modular templates together to create your own navigation.
Custom Playlists
Easily create and save content into their own custom playlists.
Custom Look & Feel
Customize the design, colour scheme and more to create a custom look and feel.
Chromecast & Airplay
Cast to TV using Chromecast, AirPlay and Bluetooth.
I tried other custom development options which didn't include updates and maintenance, cost thousands, and failed! The team at VidApp are great people. They understood my brand, my subscription model and my vision. They knew exactly what I needed and continue to help me to grow KatieAustin.TV.

Get started for free today